Jean Valjean spent nineteen years in prison, most of which where implied for trying to escape unsuccessfully. These nineteen years in prison made him appear to be something he depicted, he became a real prisoner and he was indoctrinated to act like one.
The bishop gave Jean Valjean a plate of food and a decent room with a roof on top of his head and a very comfortable bed. Jean took advantage of his kindness and took some silver from the bishop´s house. After being caught and then forgiven, saved and even covered by the bishop Jean reflects on what has happened to his life, this is the main event that makes him change.

When he encounters himself with a little boy who sings for money he accidently robs the child’s 40 souls, by inadvertently stepping on the money and making the boy leave. When he realizes what he had done he starts to cry and understands what he has become and how he should change.

When he enters the town of M- sur M- he becomes a rich man by the name of Monsieur Madeleine, by his own means and is accredited for his many good deeds which involve helping the poor. He is elected to be mayor but refuses until an old poor woman insists on it for the good of the town.

When a man is found picking up a ram of apples he is convicted of robbery and said to be John Valjean, he is taken to jury, which Monsieur Madeleine attends to. Guided by the presence of the bishop he feels in his heart, before the man is convicted he admits to be Jean Valjean.